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Systemic Weekend Retreat: Connect Deeply

Systemic Weekend Retrea...

Systemic Weekend Retreat: Connect Deeply 


Leave behind solitude and connect deeply to others in a healthy and loving way.

Why do so many people have difficulty building healthy relationships? We either fear to be deserted and be hurt or we are too afraid to lose our freedom and become dependent on the other. Also, in friendships or groups of people it’s sometimes hard to open up and show the real you. We feel vulnerable and rather build some walls around us or put on our happy face so others can’t get to you.

During this special weekend, we’ll explore the theme of connecting with others in a healthy and loving way. Trust is the foundation of every meaningful relationship, but not everyone has easy access to it. Perhaps you grew up in an environment where emotional or physical safety was lacking, or your parents weren’t emotionally available to you. Others may come from families where independence and freedom were prioritised, which can make it difficult to form close bonds. Whatever your background, this weekend will give you valuable insights into your patterns and, more importantly, provide tools to heal and open up to deep, healthy relationships.

What to expect?

In this weekend retreat we dive deep in your capacity to connect to yourself and to others. The program isn’t set as we’d like to completely adjust it to your needs and what comes out of the group. But be sure to expect:
  • Systemic exercises and (mini)-family constellations
  • Breathwork
  • Meditation and visualisation
  • Dance and bodywork
  • Sharing and connecting within the group

Special edition: in nature!
We’d like to add the element of being together in nature in this retreat. Therefore it will be at T’ Sybrook, near Enschede. A location that has been part of the Scholten family for many decades and passed down from generation to generation. It’s a beautiful place surrounded by forest. We use renewable energy to power the house and have a beautiful open space with fireplace where we give workshops. There are bedrooms with private bathroom and you can also choose for the option to camp here.

Who is this for?

Anyone who is looking to break with old family patterns. A few examples that you might recognise yourself in:
  • You’re interested in how to deepen your relations with others and want to learn more about what happens between you and the other person
  • You want to learn how to stay your authentic self in contact with someone else
  • You’d like to build strong friendships and relationships, but it is hard to let your guards down
  • Whenever in a relationship you tend to “loose” yourself by pleasing the other person afraid that he or she will leave you
  • You find yourself unable to sustain a relationship because you try to grasp on or run away from certain feelings
  • It is hard for you to trust others and this stands in the way of true connection to other people

About the facilitators
Kim Lanjouw
Kim has been coaching, guiding and inspiring people to live a more conscious and loving life in the last 10 years. To her, family constellations are a necessity to lift the weight off the past and give space to the potential that wants to be seen and is so needed in this world. She brings softness to what has become rigid and brings clarity to the issues at hand.


Zeeger Scholten
Zeeger has facilitated workshops all over the world including SE Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He has been a practicing buddhist for many years and loves to bring a deep level of presence to the work that he does. He finds it an absolute privilege to do this work and looks to intimately connect that which has been separated.

Practical information

Date: 6, 7 & 8 December, 2024
Time: starts Friday at 17:00 and ends Sunday at 15:00 
Place: near Enschede
Price: Shared bedroom and private bathroom €549,-
Camping spot €449,-
Including: 2 nights accommodation, food and drinks
Sign up here.
